European Projects



Karahnjukar HEPP - Iceland

Karahnjukar HEPP - Iceland

700-MW hydropower project in Iceland. Tender design of the river construction diversion, main dam spillway and the bottom outlet. Member of the project hydraulic task force.








Surduc HEPP - Romania

Surduc HEPP - Romania

Value engineering and feasibility design for 55 MW high head hydropower projects in Romania.








Glen Doe HEPP – Scotland

Glen Doe HEPP – Scotland

Contractor’s technical consultant for an EPC bid on 100 MW hydroelectric project in Scotland.









Arda Cascade Rehabilitation -  Bulgaria

Arda Cascade Rehabilitation - Bulgaria

Due Diligence Study for the rehabilitation of three existing hydropower projects on the Arda Cascade with a total capacity of 270 MW.








Olt River Cascade Rehabilitation, Romania

Olt River Cascade Rehabilitation, Romania

Feasibility level study for the rehabilitation of 22 bulb turbines in four power plants located on the Olt River.









Libocany HEPP

Libocany HEPP – Czech Republic

Independent Engineer design review for a 1 MW hydroelectric project in Czech Republic.














Surduc HEPP - Romania

Surduc HPP - Romania

Preparation of technical specification, EPC documentation, financial memoranda, negotiation of PPA and EPC contract and liaison with Government of Romania and foreign investors. Preparation of the successful carbon credit application to the Dutch government.











ICT for Environment - Bosnia and Herzegovina

ICT for Environment - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Capacity building and institutional strengthening project for the sustainable development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in line with Agenda 21. Creation of the Environmental Registry, in line with European Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR), Guidelines and terms of reference for the Strategic regional and sectoral Environmental Assessment and Resource and Environmental Monitoring.








Rosia Montana Gold Mine

Rosia Montana Gold Mine - Romania

Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and support in the development of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the Rosia Montana gold mine development.






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